Green Logistics

Common stan­dards in quality and envi­ron­mental protection

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Reliable sus­tain­ability assurance

Our end-to-end solu­tions ensure the sus­tain­ability of your logistics

We don’t just focus on short-term solu­tions, but develop long-term strategies that min­imize envi­ron­mental impact and are eco­nom­i­cally viable at the same time. You will not only achieve your business goals you also will get an actively con­tribute to envi­ron­mental protection.

Our experts offer cus­tomized con­sulting ser­vices to help you develop and implement sus­tainable supply chain strategies. We analyze your existing processes, identify weak­nesses and develop inno­v­ative solu­tions that min­imize CO2 emis­sions, reduce your envi­ron­mental foot­print and increase your oper­a­tional efficiency.

We support you in building ethical sup­plier rela­tion­ships and ensuring that your partner com­panies comply with your code of ethics. Through trans­parency and respon­sible sup­plier man­agement, we can work together to improve working con­di­tions along the value chain and ensure that human rights are respected.

Our solu­tions promote the cir­cular economy and help you to min­imize the con­sumption of resources. We develop strategies to avoid waste, optimize recy­cling and reuse mate­rials to reduce your CO2 con­sumption and cut costs.

We support you in inte­grating state-of-the-art tech­nologies to improve the trans­parency, effi­ciency and sus­tain­ability of your logistics.

Are your logistics already sustainable?

Learn more about our sus­tainable logistics solutions

Trans­for­mation of your supply chain

We optimize your processes for eco­logical respon­si­bility and oper­a­tional efficiency

InterLog Man­agement designs your supply chain end-to-end, from raw material extraction to recy­cling, according to modern stan­dards, taking into account the decisive influ­encing factors of time, costs and process quality. When cre­ating supply chain con­cepts, the eco­logical, eco­nomic and social influ­encing factors are also con­sidered and taken into account wherever pos­sible. As part of every supply chain concept, the Supply Chain Act, which has been in force since 2023, is also taken into account and the overall concept is sub­jected to an in-depth process-ori­ented risk analysis. This ensures the sus­tain­ability of our supply chain concepts.

We design your supply chain from start to finish, inte­grating eco­logical, eco­nomic and social factors. Our experts develop inno­v­ative solu­tions that are not only effi­cient, but also envi­ron­men­tally friendly and socially responsible.


Every supply chain we develop undergoes an in-depth process-ori­ented risk analysis. This allows us to identify potential risks and develop tar­geted strategies to min­imize these risks.

Our supply chain con­cepts are in line with the Supply Chain Act, which has been in force since 2023. We take all legal require­ments into account and ensure that your supply chain meets the highest stan­dards to guar­antee ethical, social and envi­ron­mental responsibility.

Sus­tainable logistics: for a green future

We work with you to shape a sus­tainable future for your logistics processes

Find out more about our green logistics solu­tions, which aim to min­imize envi­ron­mental impact by opti­mizing transport routes, using envi­ron­men­tally friendly vehicles and effi­cient ware­house management.

Dis­cover sus­tainable pack­aging solu­tions that not only protect your products, but are also envi­ron­men­tally friendly. We offer inno­v­ative approaches to pack­aging reduction and recy­cling to min­imize pack­aging waste.

Find out how renewable energies can be used in logistics. Dis­cover ini­tia­tives to use renewable energy sources to min­imize energy consumption.

Business Cases