The InterLog Man­agement team

We stand for effi­ciency, flex­i­bility and transparency!

Uncom­pli­cated processes, short infor­mation paths, high flex­i­bility as well as openness and trans­parency in a familiar working atmos­phere enable us to work indi­vid­ually with our cus­tomers. Logistics is pure dynamism, tech­nologies are con­stantly changing. That’s why our logistics advisors are con­stantly learning. We are building up our team with an eye to the future so that we can con­tinue to offer a high standard of service within our con­sul­tancy in the face of increased demand and the con­tinuous expansion of our net­works in Switzerland, Germany and also Austria. 
Our con­sul­tancy, con­sisting of practice-ori­ented logistics con­sul­tants, is put together indi­vid­ually with the optimal qual­i­fi­ca­tions and expe­rience for you. Project success and cus­tomer sat­is­faction are our top pri­or­ities. As a cus­tomer-ori­ented con­sulting company, we focus on mea­surable project goals (results, adherence to dead­lines, adherence to budgets) and try to meet the needs of each indi­vidual through active stake­holder man­agement. The inter­ac­tions between our cus­tomers and our logistics con­sul­tants are decisive in deter­mining whether a project is suc­cessful and the goals are achieved. 
Markus Lanz

Markus Lanz

Senior Con­sultant Professional

Man­aging Director, Head of Sales Inter.


Philip Steige

Senior Con­sultant / Project Manager

Head of Operations