The man­agement of InterLog Management

For us, con­sulting is more than just a means to an end. That is why we pursue a per­sonal con­sulting approach that focuses on our clients and, in addition to pro­viding them with pro­fes­sionally sound infor­mation in the con­sulting process, expresses per­sonal appre­ci­ation and respect in equal measure. On this basis of trust between you as a client and us as con­sul­tants, we can respond to your goals and wishes with care and system and together we can achieve optimal con­sulting solutions. 

Eric Gastel 

Senior Con­sultant Professional CEO Main areas of con­sulting: Logistics strategy, dis­tri­b­ution and supply chain strategies, overall plant planning, goods flow and process man­agement, WMS and ERP software, supply chain man­agement, logistics planning including con­struction and infra­structure, logistics automation, plant mod­ern­ization during operation 

Career path

Eric Gastel worked 12 years in various func­tions in oper­a­tional logistics, before he moved into the field of ware­house planning and logistics automation. He started as a member of the man­agement board with planning and imple­menting general con­tractor projects and then building up the automation tech­nology as well as after-sales divi­sions. From 2006 to mid-2009, he built up the national sub­sidiary in Germany including the area of Benelux and Denmark for a well-known logistic and software company. Since Sep­tember 2009, Eric Gastel has been self-employed with his logistics con­sulting company and offers the entire con­sulting and project man­agement port­folio, par­tic­u­larly in the DACH region. He also has in-depth man­agement and lead­ership experience. 
InterLog Man­agement is, based on my per­sonal back­ground, a company that pro­vides logistics con­sulting and project man­agement with the highest prac­tical rel­e­vance. Entre­pre­neurial values such as rea­sonable and sus­tainable cor­porate financing, cus­tomer loyalty through con­tin­u­ously high quality con­sulting and project man­agement as well as an open and agile employee policy are an essential part of our company’s success.
Eric Gastel

Markus Lanz 

Senior Con­sultant Professional Man­aging Director, Head of Inter­na­tional Sales Main areas of con­sulting: Global project man­agement, optimization/automation of logistics processes, strategy devel­opment and con­sulting, supply chain man­agement, dis­tri­b­ution logistics, VMI Vendor Managed Inventory, indus­trial automation, software eval­u­ation, ERP imple­men­tation, dig­i­tal­ization of business processes, change management 

Career path

Markus Lanz joined InterLog Man­agement in 2018 as Senior Con­sultant Pro­fes­sional, one year later in 2019 he became a member of the man­agement board. Since then, he got the respon­si­bility for sales and business devel­opment. He started his career as  plant manager in the man­u­fac­turing industry before he gained his first expe­rience in logistics as head of a logistics center. His further career led him into group engi­neering and group infor­mation tech­nology for a global oper­ating company in Switzerland. There he gained valuable expe­rience in inter­na­tional business. Before he returned to his roots in logistics, he worked as business unit manager in a large German system and software company, where he was respon­sible for the worldwide shipping automation division. Markus Lanz ful­filled his extra-occu­pa­tional studies to become a Swiss Federal Grad­uated Logistics Manager and Swiss Federal Grad­uated Business Econ­omist. In 2006 he also com­pleted his Exec­utive MBA suc­cess­fully. Markus Lanz has therefore a wide range of national and inter­na­tional man­agement and lead­ership experience. 
For me, InterLog Man­agement is a highly dynamic, absolutely trust­worthy con­sulting and planning company, which always acts directly with and at the cus­tomer. The whole team always follows a down-to-earth and prag­matic con­sulting approach. Since I joined the company in 2018, serious and sus­tainable planning has ensured that our company is sus­tainably ori­ented towards the demanding market. The trusting inter­action with each other and the flat hier­archy is another high­light that dis­tin­guishes InterLog. I appre­ciate the family-like cor­porate culture, which moti­vates me every day to deliver top per­for­mance. The daily exchange with our cus­tomers, con­sul­tants and the man­agement gives me pleasure every day and I am proud to be an “Inter­Logger”.
Markus Lanz