Book your logistic check

Rapid analysis results with con­crete imple­men­tation recommendations

With our Logistic Quick-Check-Analysis, we give you an overview of your process weak­nesses. Indi­vid­ually tai­lored to your logistics processes, we show you the potential for stream­lining and opti­mising your processes through the appro­priate use of automation and dig­i­tal­i­sation.
We carry out the check for you cost-neutral
Plan about 30 minutes for answering the ques­tions on the topics of logistics, automation, dig­i­tal­i­sation, logistics IT & transport. You will receive a rep­re­sen­tative report within 24 hours. 
Logistics offers a mul­titude of poten­tials. However, it is often dif­ficult to find the right entry point for opti­mi­sation. We have divided the opti­mi­sation approaches into 4 main areas:
Automation, logistics processes, transport and logistics IT
Regardless of which topic area offers the greatest potential for your company, we show you quick wins in the logistics checks that can be imple­mented quickly and with little effort. They require only a small and man­ageable effort to achieve a big impact. 

Choose the best package for your logistics

Is your logistics dynamic and pow­erful enough to meet the growing market demands? With our logistics process check, we give you an overview of your process weak­nesses. Indi­vid­ually tai­lored to your logistics processes, we show you poten­tials on how to streamline and optimise your processes through the appro­priate use of automation & digitalisation.

Are your logistics facil­ities getting on in years or would you like to find out about the latest trends and inno­va­tions within automation and dig­i­tal­i­sation? Then our automation check is exactly what you need. Ageing logistics systems do not always have to be replaced straight away. Often a retrofit, i.e. a system mod­erni­sation, is suf­fi­cient to inte­grate new tech­nologies and establish mod­ified processes. We check your facil­ities and systems for con­dition and process consistency.

Is your transport network still com­pet­itive? Would you like to further increase oper­a­tional effi­ciency to meet cus­tomer require­ments? With our transport check, you can reliably evaluate how well your oper­ation meets the demands. We evaluate the transport network and thus help you to identify potential and take advantage of oppor­tu­nities for action.

Have your process require­ments changed? Are you unsure whether your existing ware­house man­agement system is still the right one or whether it can map your new processes? Our logistics IT check pro­vides you with an initial overview of pos­sible change potential. We evaluate the status and the process infor­mation flow of your logistics IT in order to determine poten­tials and rec­om­men­da­tions for action.

Automation check 

Are your logistics facil­ities up to date? 
* Fixed price
  • Quick Check (1 day on-site check) 
  • Eval­u­ation of process consistency 
  • Eval­u­ation of system status 
  • Rec­om­men­dation for action / potentials 
  • Doc­u­men­tation of results and presentation 

Process check 

Are your logistics processes efficient? 
* Fixed price
  • Quick Check (1 day on-site check) 
  • Eval­u­ation of the logistics processes 
  • Rec­om­men­dation for action / potentials 
  • Cre­ating a rough 3D ware­house layout 
  • Doc­u­men­tation of results and presentation 


Is your dis­tri­b­ution running optimally? 
* Fixed price
  • Quick Check (1 day on-site check) 
  • Assessment of process efficiency 
  • Fit-gap analysis 
  • Rec­om­men­da­tions for action / potentials 
  • Doc­u­men­tation of results and presentation 

Logistics IT Check 

Is your logistics IT (WMS, TMS) fit for the future? 
* Fixed price
  • Quick Check (1 day on-site check) 
  • Eval­u­ation process infor­mation flow 
  • Eval­u­ation of the state of logistics IT 
  • Rec­om­men­dation for action / potentials 
  • Doc­u­men­tation of results and presentation 

Why can we offer the logistics checks at a fixed price?

One of our three proven logistics spe­cialists will advise you per­sonally and carry out the logistics check with you. He will be sup­ported by a con­sultant assistant for the ACTUAL recording and prepa­ration of the doc­u­men­tation and results. In this way, you benefit from the objective per­spective and prac­tical know-how of our logistics spe­cialists. Thanks to our stan­dardised pro­cedure, we provide you with an analysis result in the shortest pos­sible time, including a con­crete rec­om­men­dation for action to implement your opti­mi­sation potential.