Cre­ation of a logistics concept

References USZ

As part of the cor­porate growth of Zurich Uni­versity Hos­pital, logistics at the USZ site in the city centre has grown organ­i­cally. In order to create the urgently needed space for the struc­tural devel­opment of the USZ within the city center, the central ware­house was moved to a new logistics and service center in Schlieren. Important fea­tures of this local relo­cation of the central ware­house include not only the now extremely modern logistics infra­structure, which was imple­mented during the con­struction of the logistics center, but also the reduction of city traffic in relation to the former goods supply of USZ logistics at the USZ center. Around 60 to 80 truck trips to the USZ in the city centre can thus be avoided every day.

Results at a glance

  • Exam­i­nation of the logis­tical concept of the new central ware­house in Schlieren 
    • Devel­opment of alter­native solu­tions regarding automation
    • Def­i­n­ition of the logistics processes
  • Oper­a­tional concept for the logistics location in Schlieren
  • Han­dling of the tender for an auto­matic small parts ware­house and manual storage & con­veyor technology
  • Imple­men­tation and com­mis­sioning support

Infor­mation customer

The Uni­versity Hos­pital Zurich is one of the largest hos­pitals in Switzerland. With more than 7,400 employees in 44 clinics and insti­tutes, it com­bines the annual treatment of around 150,000 patients with research and teaching under one roof.

Project goals & tasks

  • Eval­u­ation of the quantity structure and envi­ron­mental factors
  • Cre­ation of a com­pre­hensive oper­ating concept for the entire logistics building in Schlieren
  • Prepa­ration of tender doc­u­ments for the entire ware­house and con­veyor tech­nology (manual and auto­mated systems) as well as vehicle procurement
  • Real­i­sation of an auto­matic small parts ware­house: eval­u­ation of the sup­plier, detailed planning, coor­di­nation to the inter­faces fire pro­tection, electrics, HVAC, statics and SAP

Project chal­lenges

The prepa­ration of the oper­ating concept as well as the ten­dering and imple­men­tation were subject to a very tight project plan.


With the logistics and service centre in Schlieren, the USZ has set a new standard in hos­pital logistics throughout Europe. The concept takes into account the latest stan­dards, fea­tures a high degree of automation and imple­ments GDP guide­lines in practice.