Detailed concept for process automation [Hans Kupfer & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG]


Food pro­duction and espe­cially the pro­duction of meat products in Germany are char­ac­terised by high com­pet­itive pressure as well as high price pressure within the food retail sector. The resulting low profit margins require effi­cient and dis­ruption-resistant processes for sus­tainable business devel­opment. In addition, the recruitment of suitable Per­sonal has become increas­ingly dif­ficult over the past years.

For these reasons, the Hans Kupfer company already relies on a high degree of automation within pro­duction. However, a rough analysis of the logis­tical opti­mi­sation potential from 2019, which was also carried out by InterLog Man­agement, revealed that there is a high potential for automation in the area of sec­ondary pack­aging, i.e. in the pack­aging of ther­mo­formed trays into the display cartons.

Infor­mation about the customer

The company Hans Kupfer & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG operates a total of three plants in the Nuremberg region for the pro­duction of sausage products, in par­ticular boiled sausages, cooked cured products, raw sausages, salami and ham. At the main location in Heils­bronn, a total of 26 pack­aging lines are operated, the opti­mi­sation of which, taking logistics into account, was the focus of the project.

Project goals & tasks

  • Increasing line pro­duc­tivity by reducing the potential for malfunctions
  • Process opti­mi­sation from a holistic perspective
  • Val­i­dation of tech­nical and eco­nomic feasibility

Results at a glance

  • Prepa­ration and doc­u­men­tation of the process require­ments and tech­nical spec­i­fi­ca­tions in a com­pre­hensive set of specifications
  • Def­i­n­ition of the pre­req­ui­sites for suc­cessful automation
  • Iden­ti­fi­cation of suitable sup­pliers for project implementation
  • Assurance of the tech­nical and eco­nomic fea­si­bility of the project
  • Derivation of a well-founded rec­om­men­dation for action for the management