Agile and effi­cient testing with JIRA

We rely on estab­lished testing software

Pro­fes­sional test man­agement for a suc­cessful software introduction

Pro­fes­sional test man­agement is indis­pensable for ensuring the function and per­for­mance of newly planned software

The intro­duction of new systems often poses intensive chal­lenges for com­panies in industry and the service sector. Within the framework of imple­men­tation processes, ver­satile require­ments and potential inter­ac­tions must be taken into account. Com­pre­hensive and holistic testing is nec­essary. The required know-how as well as the nec­essary infra­structure rep­resent a large part of the framework con­di­tions for a suc­cessful imple­men­tation. However, building up the nec­essary com­pe­tences and struc­tures is usually asso­ciated with con­sid­erable per­sonnel and cost expen­diture, which is often shied away from. 

Focus on your daily business 

we take over the com­plete test man­agement for your software introduction

We carry out software and system tests within the framework of software imple­men­ta­tions with great success. In addition to state-of-the-art methods, we also use proven inter­active tools. The basis for the tests is the test man­agement platform JIRA, which we operate.  The platform offers a proven basis for agile and effi­cient testing. The structure of the platform and its use by our team is based on the SCRUM method­ology. This keeps the admin­is­trative effort required to support testing to a minimum. Our cus­tomer receives free access to the platform operated by us to carry out the required tests.
Take advantage of all the ben­efits by working with us:
  • Through our support and with the use of JIRA, the entire team is pro­vided with all rel­evant infor­mation on the progress of the project and the achievement of goals in processed form by means of clearly defined interfaces.
  • Within the framework of the coop­er­ation with us, you benefit from the expe­rience of the test man­agement team and the pro­vision of a proven and ade­quate basis for the imple­men­tation of software, system and process tests.
  • We train your users and thus ensure a know-how transfer and the training of important skills system knowledge.
  • The effort required to set up a test support envi­ronment is sig­nif­i­cantly reduced by working with us, as existing struc­tures and skills can be used.The structure and scope of the effort are pre­sented openly and transparently.
  • JIRA is a cloud-based software for sup­porting devel­opment tasks (software, systems, processes, etc.).
  • The tool is used to actively support tests and asso­ciated documentation
  • Test spec­i­fi­ca­tions are pre­pared and managed entirely via JIRA for the testers
  • The platform is set up by InterLog Management
  • Each member of the test team is given their own access
  • The pro­ject’s own dash­board is used for mon­i­toring the tests and as an overview of the pro­cessing status of the software tests.

Test man­agement can be booked as a sep­arate service

We offer a service package tai­lored to your needs

The range of ser­vices extends from the pro­vision of the JIRA platform and support for the cus­tomer’s project man­agement to the com­plete takeover of test man­agement including oper­a­tional test activ­ities. The support period does not end with the intro­duction of the accepted system, but can extend beyond the imple­men­tation date, so that support can also be pro­vided by InterLog Man­agement in the sub­se­quent sta­bil­i­sation phase of the system. 
  • Man­agement of a test man­agement project
  • Test activ­ities are planned and exe­cuted by our employees
  • On-site man­agement and coordination
  • Support of the project management
  • Setting up the test environment
  • Support of test planning, mon­i­toring and reporting
  • Regular appoint­ments for on-site coor­di­nation, remote support
  • Devel­opment and oper­ation of the test man­agement platform
  • Admin­is­tration
  • Remote support

Which service package ensures your maximum security?

We will be happy to make you an indi­vidual offer

Our ser­vices suitable for test management

We also accompany you throughout the entire logistics IT imple­men­tation process