Implement ware­house man­agement system

As an expert for logistics software imple­men­tation,
we accompany you in all project phases

Selection, intro­duction and imple­men­tation of your ware­house man­agement system

We support you during the entire project

The intro­duction and use of a ware­house man­agement system (WMS) in logistics is almost indis­pensable. Ware­house man­agement software brings the nec­essary per­for­mance and trans­parency to your ware­house. The WMS con­trols and manages ware­house stocks, storage loca­tions, storage bins, picking and replen­ishment strategies and forms the interface between the ERP system and the material flow com­puter (MFR), if you use con­veyor tech­nology, stacker cranes, robotics, stretchers or similar auto­mated systems. When choosing ware­house software, it should be ensured from an eco­nomic point of view that it is opti­mally adapted to the respective logistics oper­a­tions and logistics processes. The scope of the ware­house man­agement system, i.e. the func­tion­al­ities, should also not be larger than nec­essary. Too much com­plexity can lead to a reduction in the reaction time of the system as well as to errors in operation. 

The selection of the optimal ware­house software

We will determine the best solution for you

The selection of the ware­house man­agement system must be well thought through, as it is of strategic impor­tance. With the selection and intro­duction of a WMS, you enter into a long-term rela­tionship with the logistics system and therefore also with the system sup­plier. Therefore, careful planning, tar­geted and com­pre­hensive project man­agement in all project phases is of great impor­tance. In these phases, the foun­dation is laid for long-term suc­cessful oper­ation and for optimal support of the logis­tical processes by the logistics software. 
As an expert for the intro­duction of logistics software, we support you in the selection of the WMS, in the awarding of the con­tract and during the entire imple­men­tation and com­mis­sioning and are also at your side in the aftercare / sta­bil­i­sation phase. 
  • Def­i­n­ition of the LVS requirements
  • Prepa­ration of the tender documents
  • Exe­cution of the tender
  • Con­tract nego­ti­a­tions and award of contract

Your partner for IT strategy planning, WMS selection and

A holistic view is crucial

The path to the safe intro­duction of a ware­house man­agement system

We take over — your focus remains the day-to-day business

We define the logistics software require­ments in coop­er­ation with your employees. In concept work­shops, we determine the require­ments and func­tion­al­ities of your future WMS. By recording your ACTUAL processes, we have gained an under­standing of your process land­scape in advance and iden­tified process poten­tials from this. The results from the process poten­tials and the concept workshop form the basis for the cre­ation of the specifications. 
The require­ments def­i­n­ition is fol­lowed by the cre­ation of the spec­i­fi­ca­tions and other doc­u­ments nec­essary for the tender. The spec­i­fi­ca­tions form the basis for a detailed offer from the sup­pliers and sub­se­quently for a suc­cessful WMS intro­duction. Due to our many years of expertise, we know the market of sup­pliers and systems very well. You will receive a com­pre­hensive list of bidders with all rel­evant data on the system provider. 
We take over the com­plete tender man­agement for you — from sending out the tender doc­u­ments, answering sup­plier queries, organ­ising and con­ducting sup­plier tours, eval­u­ating the bids and a final eval­u­ation by us. In addition, we rec­ommend car­rying out ref­erence visits to the sup­pliers, which we can also organise for you. On this basis, you can now decide which sup­plier is the right partner for you. 
We are happy to advise and support you in the final phase of con­tract nego­ti­a­tions. Expe­rience in con­tract nego­ti­a­tions com­bined with logistics know-how make us the optimal partner for your nego­ti­a­tions. We identify pos­sible cost levers and use them specif­i­cally in the nego­ti­a­tions to achieve the best pos­sible offer price. In addition, we review the con­tract doc­u­ments from a legal perspective. 

Move with us to the next project phases

We accompany the entire LVS intro­duction up to imple­men­tation and stabilisation