Optimal ware­house planning in 3D

Future-proof solu­tions in your ware­house logistics

Holistic ware­house planning 

Analysis, opti­mi­sation and implementation 

Logistics and ware­house planning (intral­o­gistics) offers numerous opti­mization poten­tials like hardly any other area, since the internal flow of mate­rials and infor­mation logistics can be con­tin­u­ously opti­mized by means of inno­v­ative tech­nologies and modern con­cepts. Within logistics and ware­house planning we deal with the planning and opti­mization of the ware­house orga­ni­zation, the ware­house and transport tech­nology, the storage units to be stored and the entire ware­house layout. We offer future-proof and sus­tainable solu­tions within logistics and ware­house planning, char­ac­terized by inno­vation and business effi­ciency. To this end, we work with you to examine the entire intral­o­gistic processes and systems of your company. In logistics and ware­house planning, we analyze every process step for poten­tials and weak points. In doing so, we show you in a trans­parent and com­pre­hen­sible way where and how your processes can be improved. Together we plan and optimize your ware­house and ware­house logistics. You will be accom­panied by us in every step of the potential imple­men­tation process. 

Our ware­house planning in 3D

Tan­gible and real­istic solu­tions n 

Within ware­house planning, we analyse and optimise the process areas of goods receipt, storage, retrieval and order picking as well as goods issue and also con­sider the upstream and down­stream processes. With our 3D planning software, we create a virtual ware­house layout for you. The ware­house layout includes the floor plan, the entire ware­house cubature, the storage area, the working and han­dling areas and the cir­cu­lation areas. In our ware­house layout planning, we can directly inte­grate the ware­house equipment (shelf rack storage, pallet rack storage, flow rack storage, block storage, small parts storage, etc.) as well as the transport systems (indus­trial trucks, AGVs, con­veyor systems) so that you get a com­pre­hensive overall view of your ware­house. Your logistics solution is thus pre­sented in a tan­gible and com­pre­hen­sible way. The per­for­mance and pos­sible bot­tle­necks of the ware­house or logistics system can be iden­tified before imple­men­tation. High costs resulting from sub­se­quent process cor­rec­tions are thus avoided. 
  • Ware­house organ­i­sation & control (WMS / LVS)
  • Ware­house layout planning
  • Ware­housing
  • Ware­house technology
  • Ware­house automation
  • Plant mod­erni­sation
  • Process opti­mi­sation
  • Inventory opti­mi­sation
  • Goods and material flow planning
  • Work­place ergonomics
  • True-to-scale 3D planning of your logistics
  • Real-time sim­u­lation of your logistics processes
  • Direct avoidance of planning errors
  • Exact pre­dictability of your investments

Process-ori­ented planning of your warehouse

Grow with your market and cus­tomer require­ments by planning your ware­house in a process-ori­ented way.

Today, the effi­ciency and effec­tiveness of the com­pany’s own processes is becoming more and more rel­evant for com­panies. Espe­cially in the field of logistics, the focus is on the triggers effi­ciency and effec­tiveness of processes in order to reduce costs while improving the quality of work. In addition to the triggers men­tioned, the dig­i­tal­ization and automation of processes play a decisive role in process opti­mization. Many com­panies want to use process opti­mization to evaluate the potential in these areas. 

Are you aware of the potential within your logistics?

Directly avoid rising logistics costs due to high process lead times, over­crowded storage areas, low pro­duc­tivity and lack of resource availability

Logistics planning and ware­house planning

Ques­tions and answers about logistics and ware­house planning

After we have received the order for logistics and ware­house planning from you, an initial meeting will take place in the form of a workshop (on site) at your premises. There we will have an open dis­cussion about your logistic poten­tials. Where do you see an acute need for action, how must your logistics / ware­house be designed in a future-ori­ented way. Within the workshop, first solu­tions will be worked out together. In the concept phase, we will prepare the solu­tions in a well-founded way and present suitable variants to you using our 3D ware­house sim­u­lation software. The further detailed planning up to the imple­men­tation can also be done together with you.
Our goal is to show you process poten­tials that can be imple­mented quickly and with little effort. They require only a small and man­ageable effort to achieve a great effect. Fast imple­men­tation, great effect! Logistics solu­tions must be sus­tainable, future-ori­ented and profitable.
Yes, because we have built up a broad knowledge of logistics through many years of expe­rience in logistics planning / ware­house planning. We know the market require­ments and are con­stantly working on inno­v­ative logistics solu­tions that we can implement for you. We stand for neu­trality and objec­tivity. In addition, we relieve you and your employees so that you can con­cen­trate on your core business. We take over the sup­plier nego­ti­a­tions and achieve the best pos­sible price-per­for­mance ratio for you.
The investment costs nat­u­rally depend on the extent to which you reor­ganize your logistics and ware­house. Our planning includes a detailed cal­cu­lation of investment costs and return on investment. The ROI is based on a process potential analysis, which we carry out in advance. We align logistics facil­ities and logistics systems in a modern, future-ori­ented and eco­nom­i­cally prof­itable way.

Current topics


Relo­cation to the Sursee Business Park (CH)

Our Swiss team has moved. As of now, the Swiss branch of InterLog Man­agement GmbH can be reached at the new company address “Allee 1B (Busi­nesspark Sursee) in 6210 Sursee”! “The Busi­nesspark Sursee offers

Press releases

Quick wins in logistics 

How can you increase your process effi­ciency with hidden quick wins? Interview with Eric Gastel, CEO of the logistics con­sul­tancy InterLog Man­agement. Logistics offers numerous opti­mi­sation poten­tials like hardly any other area, since the
