Into the future with the optimal logistics strategy

Dig­i­tal­i­sation, supply chain man­agement, in- / out­sourcing, make or buy

One step ahead with the right logistics strategy

Make the right strategic deci­sions — we accompany you in the process

The optimal alignment of the logistics strategy is essential for com­panies to be com­pet­itive. To be able to define a prof­itable and future-ori­ented logistics strategy, an analysis of the entire logistics is nec­essary. Answer strategic ques­tions. Where does your logistics stand today, where do you want to go in order to position your company more suc­cess­fully on the market in the future or to secure your market position in the long term? How can the devel­opment of markets be pro­moted through struc­tures? Which require­ments for location network struc­tures are needed for your own logistics strategy? Can ser­vices that are not part of your core business be out­sourced? In order to define a logistics strategy, it is essential to determine and evaluate cost drivers and impacts in advance. Together with you, we define the future framework con­di­tions and support you in devel­oping, adapting or renewing your oper­a­tional logistics strategy. In doing so, we take into account your require­ments, logis­tical inter­re­la­tion­ships, partner net­works, sup­pliers and dis­trib­utors as well as internal company depart­ments. We plan your supply chain taking all char­ac­ter­istics into account. 

Together we align your logistics strategy

A holistic view of your logistics is essential

Dig­i­tal­i­sation is a strong driver of growth and is changing entire indus­tries and business models. The focus of dig­i­tal­i­sation is pri­marily on opti­mising existing processes, but the trans­for­mation of the market will require the new devel­opment of digital processes and offers in the future. Machines of all kinds, transport, ware­house and mer­chandise man­agement systems com­mu­nicate with each other so that only very little human inter­vention is required. The future will demand seamless man­agement of global supply chains. This requires a “smart” supply chain that must be instru­mented, net­worked and intelligent. 
  • Industry 4.0 and digital transformation
  • Dig­i­tal­i­sation along the supply chain
  • Smart supply chains
  • Automation
  • Digital trends
Learn from our logistics experts how you can create a holistic digital trans­for­mation and use it profitably. 
We advise you on the design, planning and control of the flow of goods and infor­mation along your entire supply chain. With regard to the design of your supply chain, we are pri­marily guided by the goals and the given pos­si­bil­ities of your company as well as the struc­tures of your goods and mer­chandise. Your cor­porate goals and your strategy define which products are offered in which markets and in which quality, as well as which dis­tri­b­ution and sales concept should be used for this. Based on these spec­i­fi­ca­tions, a supply chain can be designed with all involved entities and parties at the respective loca­tions and the cor­re­sponding logistics systems, and a con­tinuous, sus­tainable flow of infor­mation between the actors can be realised. 
  • Avoid dis­rup­tions in the supply chain and thus improve delivery speed
  • Achieve the optimum between stocks, throughput times, response and delivery capa­bility as well as costs
  • Achieve more planning reli­a­bility and data transparency
Learn from our logistics experts how you can already increase your prof­itability and achieve com­pet­itive advan­tages today. 
Regardless of whether your con­struction project starts on the “green field” or you want to convert or mod­ernise your factory or ware­house, the “right” strategy must be well thought out in advance. We support you in your project. Whether for new con­struction planning, con­version planning, ware­house mod­erni­sation and plant structure planning — as logistics con­sul­tants with years of expe­rience in the sector, we are your contact. In the area of plant mod­erni­sation / retro­fitting, there is an increasing focus on the integral net­working of automation tech­nology. In the case of plant mod­erni­sa­tions, in which the net­working of various ware­house tech­nologies is an essential part of the project, the chal­lenge lies in par­ticular in car­rying out the mod­erni­sation project during ongoing oper­ation. This means that the system mod­erni­sation is carried out par­allel to the regular daily business of the respective companies. 
  • Def­i­n­ition of the degrees of automation as well as the storage techniques
  • Visu­al­i­sation of the intral­o­gis­tical flow of goods (goods receipt — ware­housing — order picking — pro­duction supply — returns management)
  • Cal­cu­lation of ROI (Return of Investment) based on investment costs and potential savings
  • Plant mod­erni­sation during operation
  • Trans­shipment area planning / internal transports
New con­struc­tions or con­ver­sions as well as retrofits during oper­ation are our core business. Benefit from our logistics experts. 
Are you unsure whether you would like to out­source sub-processes from logistics or con­tract them out to third parties? Every company has core com­pe­tencies that guar­antee its success. We help you to con­cen­trate on your core com­pe­tences and thus to dif­fer­en­tiate between core processes and accom­pa­nying processes. On the basis of costing models and prof­itability analyses pre­pared by us, we record every area of your business and compare your process costs with the costs and ser­vices of potential external service providers. Our eval­u­ation is neutral and objective. Our goal is to get the best out of your com­pany’s logistics — this is what we focus on as a prag­mat­i­cally ori­ented con­sulting firm. 
Con­cen­trate on your core com­pe­tence! We provide you with a sound basis for decision-making. 

Where does your logistics stand today and where do you want to go?

We provide you with an overview of your overall logistics and support you in making deci­sions on how to align your logistics in a com­pet­itive and future-ori­ented manner. 

Logistics strategy consulting

Ques­tions and answers about logistics strategy consulting

After you have placed an order with us for logistics strategy con­sulting, the first step is to determine your current logistics strategy and evaluate cost drivers. In an initial meeting in the form of a workshop (on site), we will get a rough overview of your site network struc­tures, your supply chain, your logistics processes, your ware­house systems and the degree of automation. The ACTUAL analysis serves as the basis for all further opti­mization steps.
A logistics strategy is not only about a make-or-buy decision or the reduction of logistics / process costs, but much more about your long-term pri­or­ities, which you set yourself. Our goal within logistics strategy con­sulting is to build and establish the logistics of your company as a strategic core competence.
Our con­sulting ser­vices within the logistics strategy are objective, neutral and well-founded. We have our finger on the pulse and are familiar with the cre­ation and adap­tation of inno­v­ative logistics strategies through many years of expe­rience within our cus­tomer projects. We rec­ommend the support of external logistics strategy consulting.

Current topics


Relo­cation to the Sursee Business Park (CH)

Our Swiss team has moved. As of now, the Swiss branch of InterLog Man­agement GmbH can be reached at the new company address “Allee 1B (Busi­nesspark Sursee) in 6210 Sursee”! “The Busi­nesspark Sursee offers

Press releases

Quick wins in logistics 

How can you increase your process effi­ciency with hidden quick wins? Interview with Eric Gastel, CEO of the logistics con­sul­tancy InterLog Man­agement. Logistics offers numerous opti­mi­sation poten­tials like hardly any other area, since the
