Oper­a­tional project management

We reliably plan, control and monitor your logistics project

Project man­agement has a leading role in every project

To ensure the eco­nom­i­cally success of a project, it is essential to have a reliable project man­agement — from ini­tial­ization and planning to imple­men­tation and final com­pletion. Our trained project man­agers support your project at every stage and take respon­si­bility for an eco­nomical and effi­cient project exe­cution — in time, quality and budget. 

Teamwork for success

A well-func­tioning team is the key to success. Defined project roles and hier­ar­chies, struc­tured recording of tasks and dis­tinctive com­mu­ni­ca­tions are the indi­cators that have a pos­itive effect on the success of the project. Our roles and func­tions in your project: 


Our mandate manager is respon­sible for the com­mercial project man­agement. As a key account, he is the central contact person for you as the client for ques­tions regarding the offer and scope of delivery or addi­tional ser­vices. Within the scope of project imple­men­tation, he sup­ports our project manager and the project team with his tech­nical expertise. He ensures the quality of the project and the achievement of the project goal. 


Our project manager is respon­sible for the com­plete and suc­cessful exe­cution of your logistics project. He ensures that the project is com­pleted within cost, time and quality. This includes the inde­pendent man­agement of the entire project, including project planning and mon­i­toring, to-do, risk and stake­holder man­agement and project reporting. 


For project support, we provide our cus­tomers with a qual­ified project team, depending on their needs. Our project team can take over oper­a­tional or admin­is­trative activ­ities within the main project or carry out indi­vidual sub-projects independently. 

Quality check in project management

Sus­tainable assurance of project success

In order to ensure the project quality in long terms, each of our projects undergoes a quality check. The quality check is an internal process con­sisting of various phases: 
Quality check in the project: During the project period, close and regular coor­di­nation within the project teams is important.. Fixed scheduled status meetings to balance the pro­ject’s progress and de-briefings after on-site visits, project work­shops or project meetings are part of our quality checks. 
Concept Quality Check: To con­tin­u­ously improve and ensure the quality of our concept doc­u­ments, we apply the dual control prin­ciple. Our account and project man­agers check the con­tents of the concept for the agreed amount of ser­vices and the defined goal. 
Cus­tomer quality check after project completion: The opinion of our cus­tomers is absolutely important to us. After suc­cessful com­pletion of the project, a per­sonal meeting between you and our account manager will take place in order to evaluate the entire project. 

Cus­tomer quality check rating 4.5 out of 5 stars