Strategic alignment of the IT systems

Referenz railcare

In con­nection with digi­ti­sation, IT systems are becoming increas­ingly rel­evant and their com­plexity is growing. With this in mind, InterLog Man­agement was com­mis­sioned by railCare to analyze and optimize their IT systems. The aim of the assignment is to create the basis for the strategic alignment of the IT systems.

Infor­mation customer

railCare pro­vides logistics ser­vices in unac­com­panied com­bined transport (UCT). As a wholly owned sub­sidiary of Coop, railCare trans­ports the everyday goods entrusted to it with its own trains and trucks within Switzerland.

Project goals & tasks

In past projects, the focus has always been on the further devel­opment and opti­mization of the system system land­scape. The fol­lowing tasks and goals rep­resent an excerpt of the many years of cooperation:

  • Analysis of the railCare IT system land­scape as the basis for the strategic alignment of the IT systems
  • Devel­opment and imple­men­tation of an app-based adaptive steering system
  • Support with the upgrade of rail­Care’s own con­tainer, admin­is­tration and dis­po­sition system

Results at a glance

  • Analysis results of the railCare IT system land­scape as the basis for the future strategic cor­porate alignment
  • Upgrade of the route planning system 
    • Recording of the process requirements
    • Accom­pa­nying the cus­tomer during the coop­er­ation with the system supplier
    • Devel­opment of the training concept
    • Go-Live planning and coordination
    • Support after Go-Live and project completion
  • Imple­men­tation of an app-based adaptive steering system